Companies Act - Compendium of Changes 2017 / 2018 [Soft Cover]

This book aims to assist readers in making the transition by mapping the changes to the Companies Act in 2016 and 2017 in a visually comparative Compendium.

Publication Date: September 2018

Publisher: LexisNexis

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SG$  174.40
Back-order ISBN: 9789814798464


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The Companies (Amendment) Act, read the first time on 28 February 2017, comprises massive changes to the law governing business entities. These amendments were implemented on 31 March 2017. Companies Act - Compendium of Changes 2017 provides the every day business person or corporate counsel with a visually comparative Compendium on the new landscape of the law, along with expert practitioner comments in guiding the reader through the legislative updates.

Section by section treatment:

1. Current section

2. New section

3. Explanatory note of relevant amendment

4. Any Public Recommendation findings relevant to section

5. Practitioner's comments

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