Clarke's Offshore Tax Planning 2019-20 (26th edition)

Author : Giles
This latest edition cements the title's reputation as one of the best available for tax planning.

Publication Date: December 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis

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SG$  508.35
Back-order ISBN: 9781474311243


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This latest edition cements the title’s reputation as one of the best available for tax planning. Clarke’s Offshore Tax Planning provides practical analysis of the planning opportunities for investment offshore through analysis of anti-avoidance legislation, extended treatment of non-domiciliaries and an examination of existing offshore structures. As the most up-to-date and reliable resource available, you can confidently advise your private clients and privately-owned businesses on the best place to set up a trust, re-invest, re-locate and so on. The practical nature of this book makes it an invaluable guide for accountants, solicitors and financial advisers handling the affairs of private clients and privately-owned businesses while annual publication ensures it is both up-to-date and relevant.



Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Key Data Protection Principles

Chapter 3 - Collecting Personal Data

Chapter 4 - Using Personal Data

Chapter 5 - Disclosing Personal Data

Chapter 6 - Understanding The Rights of Individuals

Chapter 7 - Keeping Personal Data Accurate and Safe

Chapter 8 - Marketing Messages

Chapter 9 - Online Business and Websites

Chapter 10 - Employee Data

Chapter 11 - Enforcement and Penalties

Chapter 12 - Sector-Specific Legislation

Chapter 13 - Compliance Checklist for Organisations

Appendix 1 - Abbreviations

Appendix 2 - Useful Resources

Appendix 3 - Personal Data Protection Act 2012

Appendix 4 - Spam Control Act


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