Butterworths Hong Kong Trade Marks Law Handbook – Third Edition

This handbook aims to make available in a convenient and up-to-date form the consolidated text of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap 559). This book provides section-by-section annotations covering significant judicial decisions, rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussions on practical aspects, contentious issues, and other authoritative materials.

Publication Date: August 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis

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SG$  203.45 SG$  290.64
Back-order ISBN: 9789888600656


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As peculiar to the law of trade marks, commercial acumen meets creative endeavour in the most wonderful of ways. However, the high commercial value of branding so often leads to a fracas over the ownership of this creativity, and often involves minute arguments about “distinctiveness”. Accordingly, this handbook aims to make available in a convenient and up-to-date form the consolidated text of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap 559). This book provides section-by-section annotations covering significant judicial decisions, rules of court, definitions of words and phrases, discussions on practical aspects, contentious issues, and other authoritative materials. This handbook will be an indispensable companion for IP lawyers, marketers, company directors, IP professionals, in-house counsel, PR companies, company secretaries, students and all those who are engaged or interested in the design, preparation, registration and enforcement of trade marks in Hong Kong.

1. Cross-border Investment into China

- China Outbound Investment Regulations

2. Cross-border Investment into the US


3. Cross-border Investment into the UK

4. Cross-border Investment into France

5 Cross-border Investment into Belgium

6. Cross-border Investment into UAE

- Islamic Finance

7. Cross-border Investment into Hong Kong

- Share Purchase Overview

- Heads of Terms

- Exclusivity

- Confidentiality

- Break Fees

- Due Diligence

- Sale of a Company by Auction

- Setting up a Data Room

- Disclosure

- Share Purchase Agreement

- Consideration

- Warranties and Indemnities

- Transfer of Shares

- Refusal to Register a Transfer pf Shares

- Listed and Public Company Issues

- Financial Assistance

- Competition Law Issues

- Environmental Law Aspects

- Stamp Duty Issues

- Public M&A in HK

- IP Issues

- Asset Purchase Overview

- Intra-group reorganization in HK


- Financial Assistance Checklist

- Transfer Flow Chart

- Sample Due Diligence Questionnaire

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