A Casebook on Company Law: Materials and Commentary [Soft Cover]

Author : Pearlie Koh
This volume is one of the first books to present a curated collection of cases that have forged the development of Company Law in Singapore. The book covers all the fundamental topics in Company Law, and each chapter is designed to guide the reader in the study of this rich area of law with the aid of suitably-placed commentary and thoughtful questions.

Publication Date: October 2021

Publisher: LexisNexis

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SG$  163.50
Back-order ISBN: 9789814892988


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This volume is one of the first books to present a curated collection of cases that have forged the development of Company Law in Singapore. The book covers all the fundamental topics in Company Law, and each chapter is designed to guide the reader in the study of this rich area of law with the aid of suitably-placed commentary and thoughtful questions. Important decisions of the Singapore courts, as well as seminal foreign decisions, are carefully extracted to highlight not only the foundational aspects of Company Law but also its more enigmatic facets. The book’s coverage tracks the author’s previous book (Company Law, 3rd Edition), and serves as a useful companion text to Company Law (3rd Edition). Taken together, both books provide the necessary material for all who are interested in engaging meaningfully in the study of Company Law.

• Extracts of Singapore judgments, as well as relevant judgments from other commonwealth jurisdictions including the UK, Australia and Hong Kong
• Analytical commentary
• Comparative approach

Chapter 1: Introducing the company

Chapter 2: The company constitution

Chapter 3: Share ownership

Chapter 4: Company management

Chapter 5: Directors’ duties

Chapter 6: Shareholder actions

Chapter 7: Shareholder remedies

Chapter 8: Corporate contracting and liabilities

Chapter 9: Regulating the distribution of a company’s capital

Chapter 10: Corporate borrowing

Chapter 11: Liquidation

Chapter 12: Alternatives to liquidation

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