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The Law and Practice of Charities in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2nd edition

Comprehensive compendium on New Zealand charities law

Published: 01 December, 2024

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Book: Paperback
Special Price NZD$ 134.99 Regular Price NZD$ 149.99
Preorder ISBN: 9781988598123


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The charitable sector in New Zealand is large and branches into almost every aspect of society. The Law and Practice of Charities in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2nd edition fills the gap in the area of resources for those researching or advising on charities law.

This new edition welcomes a new author team who bring their diverse knowledge and experience to expand on existing content – including a significant update to the chapters on tax and governance – and introduce new chapters on Māori charities and charities law reform, considering some of the issues causing difficulty in practice and potential options for how best to address them.

It provides guidance on the significant changes in the charitable sector over recent years, including the disestablishment of the Charities Commission in 2012, case law, and key legislative developments. The text is intended to give clear and practical guidance for lawyers and accountants when setting up, administering and acting for charities as well as for policy makers and others who understand the importance to our society of getting the legal framework for charities right.

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