Members' Meetings, 3rd edition, offers a user's guide to running or participating in meetings and gives those faced with the practical issues of running formal meetings enough guidance to proceed with confidence.
Problems in meetings are commonly experienced by chairpersons and members of various societies. Members' Meetings, 3rd edition, offers a user's guide to running or participating in meetings and gives those faced with the practical issues of running formal meetings enough guidance to proceed with confidence. The ‘Handy Reference’ on the back cover and the pull out guide on meeting procedure are designed for easy reference during meetings and the compact size of the book makes it easy to carry around. Members’ Meetings, 3rd edition provides you with all you need to know about New Zealand meeting procedure.
LAWTALK Issue #793 / 13 April 2012
NZLawyer #186 - Review
Related Titles
• Law of Societies in New Zealand
• Local Government Law in Practice