Employment in Washington: A Guide to Employment Laws, Regulations and Practices

Washington's Best Resource on the Ever-Changing Laws Governing the Employer-Employee Relationship.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:1 volume, looseleaf
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780327002024
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4th Edition
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Product description

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Employment in Washington: A Guide to Employment Laws, Regulations, and Practices is a concise, readable guidebook on the complex issues facing today's employers. You will want to keep it by the phone, and take it to meetings or to the courtroom. It will assist in decision-making and offer solid guidance on key issues and potential areas of liability such as:
 •  Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
 •  Family/Medical Leave
 •  Drug and Alcohol Testing
 •  Benefits

Don't handle your next employment law case without a copy of Employment Law in Washington on your bookshelf or desktop, from expert author Michael J. Killeen and the LexisNexis legal editorial team.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 The Employment Relationship
Chapter 2 Hiring
Chapter 3 Employee Rights and Privacy
Chapter 4 Hours of Work and Payment of Wages
Chapter 5 Employment Discrimination
Chapter 6 Health and Safety
Chapter 7 Benefits
Chapter 8 Labor Relations
Chapter 9 Workers' Compensation and Disability Benefits
Chapter 10 Termination of Employment
Chapter 11 Advisers and Information Sources