Oklahoma Employment Law

Oklahoma Employment Law is a convenient, one-volume reference providing practitioners, business owners, and human resources professionals with a concise yet comprehensive guide to employment issues in the state of Oklahoma.
Publisher: Matthew Bender

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663387660
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Oklahoma Employment Law is a convenient, one-volume reference providing practitioners, business owners, and human resources professionals with a concise yet comprehensive guide to employment issues. The book explores the statutes, decisions, and rules governing the Oklahoma workplace. In today's complex regulatory environment, state and federal employment statutes are regularly written, abandoned, and rewritten. State and federal court decisions, from every level of the judiciary, ensure that today's employment laws may not look the same as yesterday's.

To help professionals make sense of this troubled environment, this volume offers guidance on the employment decisions that employers must make every day. The book discusses the stages of the hiring process, from recruitment to information gathering to final testing and selection. The book provides essential guidance on employment discrimination and sexual harassment, giving practical advice to employers to reduce potential exposure. The book also includes sections on the legal issues surrounding termination, overtime and payment of wages, health and safety standards, benefits, and union organizing.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663337870.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 Defining the Employment Relationship
Chapter 2 The Hiring Process
Chapter 3 Testing and Selection
Chapter 4 Hours of Work and Payment of Wages
Chapter 5 Benefits
Chapter 6 Health and Safety Standards
Chapter 7 Employment Discrimination
Chapter 8 Employee Relations
Chapter 9 Union Organizing, Collective Bargaining, and Strikes
Chapter 10 Workers' Compensation
Chapter 11 Termination of Employment
Chapter 12 Unemployment Compensation
Chapter 13 Advisers and Information Sources
Chapter 14 Recordkeeping, Postings, and Other Regulations