Williams & Meyers, Oil and Gas Law Abridged

A convenient and affordable desk edition, keyed to the eight-volume master treatise—Williams & Meyers, Oil and Gas Law [Pub. 00820]. Covers the main issues relating to oil and gas law, such as property interests, conveyancing, oil and gas leases, implied covenants, and pooling and unitization.

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Print Book:1 Volume; Softbound
9th Edition
ISBN: 9781663349972
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9th Edition
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Williams & Meyers, Oil and Gas Law (Abridged Edition) is a one-volume abridgment of the eight-volume Williams & Meyers treatise on oil and gas law [Pub. 00820]. It is designed to make available to persons concerned with the oil and gas industry—lawyers, landmen (oil company employees who manage the company's relations with its landowners), engineers, investors, legislators and other government officials—a general survey of the law governing the transfer, leasing, and development of oil and gas interests. Many of the lengthy discussions found in the treatise have been abbreviated so that the reader is not “bogged down” by excessive detail; in addition, footnotes have been kept to a minimum. The abridged edition offers expert guidance on:

* Nature of interests in oil and gas
* Oil and gas conveyancing
* Grants and reservations affecting the working interest
* Concurrent and successive interests
* Oil and gas leases
* Implied covenants
* Division orders, transfer orders, and gas purchase contracts
* Pooling and unitization

A reader who desires more information, case citations, and other authority of topics discussed in the abridged edition may go directly to the corresponding sections of the eight-volume treatise, Williams & Meyers, Oil and Gas Law.

The 8th Abridged edition ISBN is 9781522181804.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to Scientific and Engineering Background of Oil and Gas Law

Chapter 2 Nature of Interests in Oil and Gas

Chapter 3 Oil and Gas Conveyancing

Chapter 4 Grants and Reservations Affecting Working Interest

Chapter 5 Concurrent and Successive Interests

Chapter 6 The Oil and Gas Lease--Express Provisions

Chapter 7 Division Orders, Transfer Orders, and Gas Purchase Contracts

Chapter 8 Implied Covenants

Chapter 9 Pooling and Unitization

Appendix 1 Oil, Gas, and Mineral Lease

Select Bibliography

Table of Cases
