Arbitrating Patent Disputes: A Practical Guide

Providing a step-by step road map of what to bear in mind when arbitration is being used to resolve patent issues, this book covers everything from determining whether or not it is a good idea to include arbitration in a patent-related agreement, drafting the clause, kickstarting arbitration, how to conduct it, how to enforce or attack the award, and plenty of ground in between.

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ISBN: 9781634259064
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ISBN: 9781634259064
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Patent litigation is increasingly prevalent today, but this use of the courts to resolve disputes makes the process significantly more expensive for the client, sometimes prohibitively so. Many patent disputes can’t bear the level of expense that comes with the territory of a jury trial in federal court. Arbitration can provide a productive path for getting smaller cases resolved so that the entry fee doesn’t end up being more than the prize.

Arbitrating Patent Disputes provides a practical, clear, step-by-step guide to arbitration, covering everything from evaluating whether it makes sense to include arbitration in the patent-related agreement, to drafting the clause, pre-hearing preparation, presenting the most robust case during the hearing, enforcing or attacking the award, and handling appeals.

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