Modern Patent Litigation: Cases, Comments, and Notes

This electronic casebook is designed for a three-credit course in advanced patent law.
eBook :epub
4th Edition
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ISBN: 9781531002312
International Order Inquiry

Product description

This electronic casebook is designed for a three-credit course in advanced patent law. It addresses subjects that are not commonly taught in a basic patent law course due to time constraints, but which commonly arise in patent litigation. The focus is doctrinal rather than strategic or tactical. Each case is preceded by a brief one- or two-sentence statement of why the case is in the book. The cases are for the most part very recent in order to illustrate the current state of the law, although a few historically famous cases are also included. By design, there is virtually no overlap between the subject matter presented here and the content of a typical basic course in patent law. For example, there is no discussion of eligible subject matter, novelty, or nonobviousness, however there is a strong emphasis on remedies, estoppels, and affirmative defenses.

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