Florida Commercial Landlord-Tenant Law

Sharply reduce your drafting time with this single-volume resource on negotiating and drafting commercial landlord-tenant agreements. The convenient looseleaf handbook contains practical analysis of Florida tenancies, duties, obligations and defenses of landlords and tenants, assignments, subleasing, options to purchase, commercial leases, shopping center leases, self-storage facilities, attorney's fees and damages, and a full set of forms and checklists.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:1 volume, looseleaf, with current supplement
ISBN: 9780327009597
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Sharply reduce your drafting time with this single-volume resource on negotiating and drafting commercial landlord-tenant agreements. The convenient loose-leaf handbook contains practical analysis of Florida tenancies, duties, obligations and defenses of landlords and tenants, assignments, subleasing, options to purchase, commercial leases, shopping center leases, self-storage facilities, attorney's fees and damages, and a full set of forms and checklists.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1 General Principles
Chapter 2 Duties and Obligations of Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 3 Remedies and Defense of Tenant
Chapter 4 Landlord Remedies
Chapter 5 Landlord Rent Remedies
Chapter 6 Transitions
Chapter 7 Terminations
Chapter 8 Drafting a Commercial Lease
Chapter 9 Attorneys Fees and Damages
Chapter 10 Self-Storage Facilities
Applicable Florida Statutes
Forms and Checklists
Table of Cases