Complex Issues in California Family Law - Volume K

Premarital Agreements: Negotiation, Preparation and Litigation. (2022)
Premarital agreements are one of the most complex areas of family law. This volume provides expert guidance in drafting and litigation premarital agreements.

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Print Book:Softbound, Updated Annually
ISBN: 9781663346926
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Product description

Premarital agreements are one of the most complex areas of family law, in part because they are modifying statutory rules. To accurately change the statute, the drafting lawyer must understand how the statute operates. Because of this, successfully drafting a premarital agreement requires a comprehensive knowledge of family law.

This volume provides practitioners with detailed information on:

•  Drafting and negotiation of premarital agreements, including issues regarding attorney competency and licensing, fee agreements, drafting tips, and the legal requirements to make a valid agreement.
•  Deu provisions for a premarital agreement and the process of executing the agreement, with sample provisions.
•  Litigation over premarital agreements.
•  Tips for amending premarital agreements.

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Table of contents

Ch. K1 Point of View

Ch. K2 Representing Party to a Proposed Agreement

Ch. K3 Assessing Relationship Between Parties

Ch. K4 Scope of Agreement and Public Policy Considerations

Ch. K5 Legal Requirements for Drafting a Premarital Agreement

Ch. K6 Key Provisions

Ch. K7 Enforcement, Performance, and Defenses

Appendix KI Statutes
