California Uninsured Motorist Law

Practical, well-organized reference to the most complete, up-to-date information available on uninsured motorist cases in California.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:2 volumes looseleaf, updated annually
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780327013785
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Cited in over 20 opinions since 1969, and written from the perspectives of both plaintiff and defense, California Uninsured Motorist Law is a practical, well-organized 2-volume reference to the most complete, up-to-date information available on uninsured motorist cases in California. Each chapter discusses the applicable code sections and the case law that interprets them, along with extensive notes and practice comments from the author. Topics covered include:

•  Restrictions on coverage
•  Hit and run accidents
•  Exclusions and statutory exemptions
•  Underinsured motor vehicles
•  Subrogation Arbitration
•  Bad faith

The second volume includes a subject matter index, a table of cases, and a table of statutes.

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Table of contents


Chapter 1. History and Purpose of Uninsured Motorist Law

Chapter 2. Uninsured Motorist Law: Overview

Chapter 3. Waiver, Deletion, and Restrictions on Coverage

Chapter 4. Persons Covered

Chapter 5. Insured Motor Vehicle

Chapter 6. Uninsured Motor Vehicle

Chapter 7. Hit-and-Run

Chapter 8. Uninsured Vehicles: Statutory Exclusions

Chapter 9. Uninsured Coverage: Statutory Exemptions

Chapter 10. Legal Liability

Chapter 11. Underinsured Coverage: Motor Vehicle

Chapter 12. Other Insurance: Excess and Proration: Multi-vehicle Accidents

Chapter 13. Rights, Duties, and Obligations of the Parties

Chapter 14. Subrogation and Recoupment: Personal Injury Coverage

Chapter 15. Reductions From Loss Payable

Chapter 16. Time Limitations

Chapter 17. Property Damage Coverage


Chapter 18. Discovery in Arbitration

Chapter 19. Arbitration

Chapter 20. Presenting an Uninsured Motorist Claim

Chapter 21. Defending an Uninsured Motorist Claim

Chapter 22. Judicial Review of Awards of Arbitrators

Chapter 23. Declaratory Relief in Uninsured Motorist Cases

Chapter 24. Bad Faith in Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Chapter 25. Uninsured Motorist Bad Faith Litigation

Chapter 26. Damages

Chapter 27. The Arbitration of Uninsured Property Damage Claims

APPENDIX A [Reserved]

APPENDIX B Department of Motor Vehicles Forms

APPENDIX C American Arbitration Association Forms

APPENDIX D Trial Court Bad Faith Cases-Examples

APPENDIX E Discovery Documents

APPENDIX F Sample Pleadings