Revised Statutes of Nebraska Annotated: Advance Code Service

Stay up-to-date with updated case law, attorney general opinions and other annotations published three times each year.
Publisher: Michie
Print Book :3 issues per year, softbound, released between April and August
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ISBN: 9780327130543
Publisher: Michie
International Order Inquiry

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The Nebraska Advanced Code Service (ACS) is a pamphlet published three times a year between April and August, and between shipments of the annual supplements to the Revised Statutes of Nebraska Annotated. It contains judicial decisions, opinions of the attorney general, law reviews, statutory text and other state material not received in time for publication of the supplement.

Along with the supplements and annual replacement volumes, this is the product you need to keep your Nebraska legal library up-to-date. Start your research with the most current materials available every time, because your clients deserve the best. Rely on the Nebraska ACS, with the same reliable LexisNexis content you already depend on in Revised Statutes of Nebraska Annotated.

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