Tennessee Jurisprudence

Tennessee Jurisprudence is the most relied upon legal research tool in Tennessee next to the Tennessee Code Annotated. Completed in 1985 and supplemented annually since then, this 31-volume set has been received enthusiastically by the bench and bar. With more than 400 alphabetically arranged subject matter titles, Tennessee Jurisprudence gives you an answer to nearly every question raised in any case. Extensive footnotes citing cases, statutes, court rules, and law review articles support the succinct textual analysis.
Publisher: LexisNexis
Print Book :31 volumes, hardbound, with current supplement
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ISBN: 9780327008255
Publisher: LexisNexis
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Tennessee Jurisprudence is the most relied upon legal research tool in Tennessee next to the Tennessee Code Annotated. Completed in 1985 and supplemented annually since then, this 31-volume set has been received enthusiastically by the bench and bar.
With more than 400 alphabetically arranged subject matter titles, Tennessee Jurisprudence gives you an answer to nearly every question raised in any case. Extensive footnotes citing cases, statutes, court rules, and law review articles support the succinct textual analysis.

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Table of contents

Volume 1: Abandonment to Ancient Documents
Volume 2: Animals to Appeal and Error
Volume 3: Appearances to Automobile Insurance
Volume 4: Automobiles to Bankruptcy
Volume 5: Banks and Banking to Chambers and Vacation
Volume 6: Champerty and Maintenance to Constitutional Law
Volume 7: Contempt to Corporations
Volume 8: Costs to Curtesy
Volume 9: Damages to Domicile
Volume 10: Double Jeopardy to Equitable Conversion
Volume 11: Equity to Exceptions
Volume 12: Exceptions, Bill of to Exemplary Damages
Volume 13: Exemptions from Execution and Attachment to Gasoline Filling Stations
Volume 14: Gifts to Inheritance Taxes
Volume 15: Injunctions to Insurance
Volume 16: Interest to Junk Dealers
Volume 17: Jurisdiction to Licenses
Volume 18: License to Real Property to Mobs, Riots
Volume 19: Monopolies and Restraints of Trade to Negotiable Instruments
Volume 20: Newspapers to Premature Actions
Volume 21: Prescription to Remittitur
Volume 22: Removal of Causes to Statute of Limitation
Volume 23: Statutes to Toll Roads
Volume 24: Torts to Voters
Volume 25: Waiver to Witnesses
Volume 26: Workman's Compensation to Zoning/Words and Phrases
Volume 27: Table of Cases A to L
Volume 28: Table of Cases M to Z