Arkfeld's Best Practices Guide for Electronic Discovery and Evidence

A practical step-by-step guide on how to request or produce electronic data.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:1 Volume, Softbound
2024-2025 Edition
ISBN: 9781663393975
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2024-2025 Edition
ISBN: 9781663393982
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2024-2025 Edition
ISBN: 9781663393982
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International Order Inquiry

Product description

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The new edition of Arkfeld's Best Practices Guide for Electronic Discovery and Evidence contains procedural steps, strategy, and substantive law considerations related to the pretrial discovery of ESI, including:

  • ESI Legal Limitations, Protections, and Procedural Rules
  • The 8 phases of ESI Discovery (eDiscovery Pretrial Best Practices Model (EPBPM))
  • Detailed planning guide outlining key topics and questions litigators must address at a pretrial conference and Meet and Confer Checklist

Discounts are available on multiple copies for your law firm, government agency, or other legal organization. Call 1-800-533-1637. Visit our E-Discovery Page for additional information.

The ISBN for the 2023-2024 Edition was 9781663368102.

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Table of contents

 Chapter 1,  Overview of Electronic Discovery 

Chapter 2,  Planning for eDiscovery

Chapter 3,  Legal Limitations, Protections, and Procedural Rules

Chapter 4,  Phases of ESI Discovery

Appendix A,  Meet and Confer Checklist

Appendix B,  Rules Checklist—List of Federal eDiscovery Procedural Rules

