The Simple Guide to Legal Innovation: Basics Every Lawyer Should Know

With some updated vocabulary and a few real examples lawyers can learn to wow their clients. The Simple Guide to Legal Innovation: Basics Every Lawyer Should Know will help them on that journey.

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
ISBN: 9781641055871
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With countless articles and blogs on legal innovation, it is nearly impossible for attorneys to keep pace. The good news: lawyers can continue to learn well into their years of practice! With some updated vocabulary and a few real examples lawyers can learn to wow their clients. The Simple Guide to Legal Innovation: Basics Every Lawyer Should Know will help them on that journey, providing details on the:

  • Legal ecosystem
  • Rise of legal operations (or legal ops)
  • Top innovation concepts lawyers need to know
  • and more!

By providing bite-sized lessons on topics that every practicing lawyer should be familiar with, this book will keep attorneys from getting left behind. Author Lucy Endel Bassli is ready to share her hard-won innovation advice with women looking to advance and commercial attorneys looking to shake things up.

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