Lawyers' Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties

Lawyers' Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties is the authoritative reference for attorneys involved in personal injury, medical malpractice, workers' compensation, social security, disability income, and health insurance cases.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:10 volumes, hardbound, with current supplements
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781422422007
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6th Edition
ISBN: 9780327182610
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6th Edition
ISBN: 9780327182610
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International Order Inquiry

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Lawyers' Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties authoritative reference for attorneys involved in personal injury, medical malpractice, workers' compensation, social security, disability income, and health insurance cases. First published 40 years ago, this 10-volume reference is now in its sixth edition.

Lawyers' Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties offers in-depth information and case law on hundreds of medical and surgical specialties. It includes an extensive bibliography of references to medical journals, law review articles, and American Law Reports, as well as summaries of state and federal appellate opinions. Written by physicians skilled at translating complex anatomy, physiology, and medical treatment into clear language that is easy for you to understand, it provides quick, accurate insight into medical issues.

Lawyers' Medical Cyclopedia of Personal Injuries and Allied Specialties keeps you up-to-date on the latest medical and legal developments with annual supplementation written by specialists in both medicine and the law. It saves you valuable research time by emphasizing medical and medicolegal issues most likely to be the subject of litigation and focusing on information most useful to busy practitioners.

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Table of contents

Amputation and Prostheses
Arthritis and rheumatic disorders
Burn injuries, plastic repair, and hand injury
Cancer and the law
Chest and lungs
Diabetes Mellitus
Disability and impairment evaluation
Drugs and drug hazards
Eye, ear, nose, and throat
Heart and blood vessels
Immune system
Injuries to the head, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves
Orthopedic diseases and implants
Pediatric subjects
Psychiatry and psychology
Stress and anxiety
Traumatic dislocations
Whiplash injuries of the neck