Beginner's Guide to Nonprofit and Affordable Housing Partnerships

This book provides fundamental information and best practices to legal practitioners so they can guide NPOs as they engage in affordable housing activities.

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ISBN: 9781639050710
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ISBN: 9781639050710
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International Order Inquiry

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Beginner's Guide to Nonprofit and Affordable Housing Partnership sprovides fundamental information and best practices to legal practitioners so they can guide Not for Profit Organizations ("NPO"s) as they engage in affordable housing activities.

Table of Contents

  1. Nonprofit Organization and Operation
  2. NPO Role
  3. IRS Guidance for NPOs Developing Mixed-Income Housing
  4. NPO-Utilized Funding
  5. Joint Ventures
  • Exhibit A: Nonprofit Corporation State Laws
  • Exhibit B: IRS Sample Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Exhibit C: Gift Acceptance, Whistleblower, Document Retention, and Joint Venture Policies

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