Avoiding Bad Depositions: A Simple Guide to Complex Issues

A helpful guide to litigation to help you avoid mistakes--and malpractice claims--when preparing for depositions.

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ISBN: 9781634251501
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ISBN: 9781634251501
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International Order Inquiry

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Janet Kole provides another short and helpful guide to litigation, this time to help you avoid mistakes--and malpractice claims--when preparing for depositions. The guide covers everything from what a deposition is, to the key issues that arise both during witness preparation and the deposition itself. The guide looks at key concerns:

--Why take a deposition?
--What will you get out of it?
--How to deal with a forgetful, condescending, or lying witness.
--How to ethically prepare a witness for testimony.

For the generation that invented the abbreviation TL;DR for "Too Long; Didn't Read," retired environmental attorney Janet S. Kole has released a new book to guide young lawyers through their first depositions with brevity and a touch of humor.

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