New York Civil Practice: EPTL

This publication features the substantive law of wills, trusts, family rights, perpetuities, accumulations, fiduciaries' powers, and powers of appointment.
Print Book :7 volumes, looseleaf, updated with revisions
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ISBN: 9780820518060
International Order Inquiry

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•  The substantive law of wills, trusts, family rights, perpetuities,accumulations, fiduciaries' powers, powers of appointment, and charitable trusts

•  Analysis of the law including legislative history, underlying studies of the Temporary Commission on Estates, and Revisers' Notes

•  Case law developments and statutory amendments, fully analyzed

•  Arranged by EPTL section for ease of use

•  Derivation of each EPTL section; EPTL annual amendment Note Sheets; cross-references to and discussion of other laws affecting the operation of the EPTL; fast-action index

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