Digital Asset Entanglement: Unraveling the Intersection of Estate Laws & Technology in the U.S. and Canada

Digital Asset Entanglement: Unraveling the Intersection of Estate Laws & Technology in the U.S. and Canada is written by specialists at the forefront of the digital asset estate planning conversation to reveal a multi-disciplinary approach to raise awareness and assist advisors in better understanding the management of digital assets in estate planning and administration.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:1 volume, softbound
2023 Edition
ISBN: 9781663354389
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Product description

Digital Asset Entanglement: Unraveling the Intersection of Estate Laws and Technology in the U.S. and Canada focuses on the ways technology has disrupted the traditionally paper-based estate industry and provides a practical client user personas-based framework for global advisors and clients alike.

As specialists in their field, the authors illustrate their proposed approach – as well as the importance of digital asset awareness and the challenges associated with managing digital assets – through a comprehensive case study of Quadriga Fintech Solutions, its cryptocurrency exchange, QuadrigaCX, and the estate of its late CEO, Gerald Cotten.

The Quadriga bankruptcy trustee case provides a striking opportunity to educate and update estate advisors on the legal and practical technical management considerations surrounding digital assets. Using Quadriga as a backdrop, this text highlights the potential financial and emotional loss that results from digital assets being undisclosed, physically, or legally inaccessible, or if there is a protracted delay in administration.

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Table of contents

Ch 1: Introduction

Ch 2: Quadriga and the Estate

Ch 3: Orientation to the Legalities of Digital Assets

Ch 4: The Digital Glass House

Ch 5: Digital Assets Case Analysis Framework

Ch 6: Case Analysis Framework Applied to Quadriga

Ch 7: The Digital Assets Clause

Ch 8: Implications for the Advisor Using Client Personas

Ch 9: Conclusions