Indiana Criminal Law & Procedure with Forms

Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure with Forms covers the entire process of a criminal trial and the substantive criminal law in the state of Indiana.
Publisher: LexisNexis

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Print Book:1 Volume, Softbound
2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663394651
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With its concise writing style, streamlined chapter format, abundance of forms, extensive references to leading and related cases, and authoritative guidance, Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure with Forms provides everything that makes a treatise valuable and easy to use.

Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure with Forms covers both the entire process of a criminal trial and the substantive criminal law in Indiana.

Each chapter combines authoritative legal analysis with an expert author’s practical insights, distilled from years of litigation practice and judicial service. Additionally, Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure with Forms includes a multitude of sample forms to complement your practice.

The previous edition's ISBN is 9781663338976.

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Table of contents

Part I: Indiana Criminal Procedure

A. Preliminary Proceedings

Chapter 1: Search and Seizure

Chapter 2: Interrogations and Confessions

Chapter 3: Charging Decisions

Chapter 4: Securing Defendant’s Presence

Chapter 5: Initial Hearings

Chapter 6: Bail and Bail Procedure

Chapter 7: Venue

Chapter 8: Speedy Trial

Chapter 9: Pretrial Notices, Motions, and Procedures

Chapter 10: Pleadings and Procedure

B. Trials

Chapter 11: Trials

Chapter 12: Sentencing and Sentencing Procedure

C. Post-Trial Proceedings

Chapter 13: Appeals

Chapter 14: Post-Conviction Remedies

Chapter 15: Jurisdiction and General Substantive Provisions

Chapter 16: Crimes Against Persons

Chapter 17: Offenses Against Property

Chapter 18: Offenses Against Public Administration, Health, Order, and Decency; Terrorism; Weapons-Related Offenses; Obscenity and Pornography

Part II: Jurisdiction and Substantive Crimes

Chapter 19: Controlled Substances

Chapter 20: Motor Vehicle Offenses