Hate Crimes: Typology, Motivations, and Victims

A core text for courses on hate crimes as well as an excellent supplement for any social problems class, Hate Crimes: Typology, Motivations, and Victims brings its singular focus to the growth and evolution in the field of hate crimes and hate studies.
eBook :epub
2nd Edition
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ISBN: 9781531025533
International Order Inquiry

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Hate Crimes: Typology, Motivations, and Victims offers a fresh perspective on the study of hate crimes. With separate chapters on LGBT, race, religion, and gender motivated hate crimes, the book focuses on the various targets of these crimes and examines the theories and motivations that drive perpetrators to commit these acts of hate. To address the increase in hate crimes occurring on campuses and in cyberspace, the book also includes chapters on campus hate crimes and virtual hate. Editors Robin Valeri and Kevin Borgeson and their contributors draw on theories from criminology, psychology, and sociology to explore the ideologies of hatemongers and extremist groups. No competing text offers such in-depth and nuanced coverage of hate and the contributing factors to one of the fastest growing social problems in America.

The newly updated second edition opens each chapter with a relevant case study and includes a new chapter on hate crimes targeting people with disabilities. To keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape, the chapter on virtual hate has also added a discussion on the role of gaming, gaming adjacent platforms, and gamification in spreading hate.

A core text for courses on hate crimes as well as an excellent supplement for any social problems class, Hate Crimes: Typology, Motivations, and Victims provides important insights into the growth and evolution of the field of hate crimes and hate studies. The chapter themes make this a highly readable text for criminal justice, psychology, or sociology professors and students as well as practitioners in the field.

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