New Hampshire Criminal Code Annotated

A vital statutory reference for New Hampshire's law enforcement.

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Publisher: LexisNexis

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2023-2024 Edition
ISBN: 9781663376817
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The New Hampshire Criminal Code is a convenient desktop reference that is reissued after each session of the Legislature. It contains the New Hampshire statutes, rules, and Articles of the Constitution that affect law enforcement and criminal practice reprinted from our New Hampshire Statutes Annotated. Extend your research and better understand the law with annotations to the important case law you need plus Opinions of the Attorney General, the New Hampshire Bar Journal, and the American Law Reports, 6th, as well as references to a number of law reviews, practice guides and other publications and the official comments of the Revision Commission. A table of updated laws and a comprehensive index make this volume a basic reference for attorneys as well as law enforcement and court personnel.

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Table of contents

Sections Affected by Recent Legislation

Constitution of the State of New Hampshire

Part I. Bill of Rights

(Selected Articles)

Part II. Form of Government

(Selected Articles)

Title V. Taxation

(Selected Chapters)

Title VII. Sheriffs, Constables, and Police Officers

(Selected Chapters)

Title X. Public Health

(Selected Chapters)

Title XII. Public Safety and Welfare

(Selected Chapters)

Title XIII. Alcoholic Beverages

(Selected Chapters)

Title XVIII. Fish and Game

(Selected Chapters)

Title XXX. Occupations and Professions

(Selected Chapters)

Title LI. Courts

(Selected Chapters)

Title LIII. Proceedings in Court

(Selected Chapters)

Title LV. Proceedings in Special Cases

(Selected Chapters)

Title LVIII. Public Justice

(Selected Chapters)

Title LIX. Proceedings in Criminal Cases


Title LX. Correction and Punishment


Title LXII. Criminal Code


User's Guide to the Index
