Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure

Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, Fifth Edition is the first reference tool to weave together the complete Rules of Criminal Procedure, the comments from the Alabama Supreme Court's Advisory Committee that proposed them, and the author's practical advice for understanding the Rules, based on having been a member of the Alabama Supreme Court when the Rules of Criminal Procedure were considered and adopted by the Court. This two-volume set guides prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges from initial complaint through post-conviction remedies.
Publisher: Michie

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Print Book:2 volumes, hardbound, with current supplement
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781422488478
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Product description

Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure, Fifth Edition is the first reference tool to weave together the complete Rules of Criminal Procedure, the comments from the Alabama Supreme Court's Advisory Committee that proposed them, and the author's practical advice for understanding the Rules, based on having been a member of the Alabama Supreme Court when the Rules of Criminal Procedure were considered and adopted by the Court. This two-volume set guides prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges from initial complaint through post-conviction remedies. Chapters include "Practice Pointers" to help legal professionals and judges understand and apply each Rule.

Additional features include an invaluable case "checklist" for both prosecutors and defense attorneys, describing in chronological order essential procedural steps and the Rules that apply to them, and appendices containing numerous forms and other important resources.

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Table of contents

Volume 1
The Rules in a Capsule
Time Table
Checklist for District Attorneys and Defense Attorneys
History & Development of Rules
Rules 1-22
Volume 2
Rules 23- 36
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes