Arkfeld's Best Practices Guide for Electronic Discovery and EvidenceA practical step-by-step guide on how to request or produce electronic data.Publisher LexisNexisIn StockStarting from $230.00
Arkfeld's Best Practices Guide for ESI Pretrial Discovery - Strategy and TacticsThis popular Guide contains strategy and tactics for handling ESI issues throughout pretrial discovery.Publisher LexisNexisIn StockStarting from $224.00
Arkfeld's Best Practices Guide for Legal HoldThis publication provides strategic guidance, recommendations and practice forms for legal professionals, organizations, including corporate counsel, in preparing for and implementing a "legal hold."Publisher LexisNexisIn StockStarting from $230.00
Arkfeld's Best Practices Guide: Information Technology Primer for Legal ProfessionalsThis completely revised guide provides a much needed primer in understanding key technological concepts and the information technology infrastructure of organizations.Publisher LexisNexisIn StockStarting from $224.00
Arkfeld on Electronic Discovery and EvidenceThe Fourth Edition of Arkfeld on Electronic Discovery and Evidence is a comprehensive treatise that addresses all the key aspects of the discovery and admission of electronic evidence, within the context of relevant statutes, regulations, and federal and state case law. Authored by Michael R. Arkfeld, Esq., a leading attorney and speaker, the revised Fourth Edition is enhanced both in substance and format. The up-to-date 1500 page treatise contains eight chapters as well as four companion Best Practices Guides, which are cross-referenced to the treatise.Publisher LexisNexisIn StockStarting from $381.00