Texas Commercial Causes of Action: Claims, Defenses and Remedies

By Jeremy Counseller, Jim Wren
Publisher: ALM

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2018 Edition
ISBN: 9781628815092
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A desk reference to unfamiliar subjects and a starting point for analysis of any new commercial matter, Texas Commercial Causes of Action is a pleading guide for both plaintiffs and defendants in Texas business litigation.

Texas Commercial Causes of Action; Claims, Defenses and Remedies provides an overview of causes of action commonly employed in disputes, the elements of these common types of causes of action under Texas state law, corresponding defenses, damages and remedies, must-read cases and leading authorities.

Texas Commercial Causes of Action; Claims, Defenses and Remedies
--Outlines essential elements of more than 100 causes of action and defenses, traced to the leading case law or statutory root.
--Identifies recoverable damages, including attorney fees.
--Explores the most important defenses.
--Contains multiple chapters on best practices for presenting your pleading to the court