New Jersey Administrative Code - Full Set

Complete, up-to-date compilation of administrative rules legally promulgated by New Jersey state agencies.
Publisher: LexisNexis
Print Book :38 volume looseleaf set
In Stock
ISBN: 9780820565965
Publisher: LexisNexis
International Order Inquiry

Product description

Pursuant to our contract with the State of New Jersey, LexisNexis produces the New Jersey Register and Administrative Code, the official print publication of regulations for the state. Arranged sequentially by title, the New Jersey Administrative Code contains the most up-to-date compilation of administrative rules legally promulgated by New Jersey state agencies, with authority lines provided by the New Jersey Office of Administrative Law (OAL) and chapter histories, amendment notes, and case notes prepared by the LexisNexis editorial staff in conjunction with the New Jersey OAL.

The 27 Titles plus the Executive Orders, Index, Definitions and Tables of the New Jersey Administrative Code are available in an easy-to-use 38-volume loose-leaf set. To ensure the most recent information is included, the set is supplemented the first and third Monday of each month (Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday}. Each Title is also available for purchase separately.

Table of contents

Title 1 Administrative Law

Title 2 Agriculture

Title 3 Banking

Title 4A Civil Service

Title 5 Community Affairs

Title 5A Military & Veterans' Affairs

Titles 6 & 6A Education

Title 7 Environmental Protection

Title 8 Health

Titles 9 & 9A Higher Education

Title 10 Human Services

Title 10A Corrections

Title 11 Insurance

Title 12 Labor

Title 12A Commerce

Title 13 Law & Public Safety

Title 14 Public Utilities

Title 14A Energy

Title 15 State

Title 15A Public Advocate

Title 16 Transportation

Title 17 Treasury—General

Title 18 Treasury—Taxation

Title 19 Other Agencies

Title 19K Casinos

Executive Orders and Full Code Index