The Global Lawyer (eBook)

The Global Lawyer equips lawyers for practice in a borderless, globalised legal profession. by Dr Kate Galloway (Author), Dr Melissa Castan (Author), Dr John Flood (Author) Publisher: LexisNexis Australia

Publication Date: December 2019

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
SG$  103.33
ISBN: 9780409348583
The Global Lawyer equips lawyers for practice in a borderless, globalised legal profession. by Dr Kate Galloway (Author), Dr Melissa Castan (Author), Dr John Flood (Author) Publisher: LexisNexis Australia

1. Non-Bank Financial Entities and their Importance

2. Evolution of the Law of NBFE Governance 1981-2019: The Four Ages

3. NBFE Director and Trustee Duties

4. Evolution and Meaning of ‘Best Interest’ Duties

5. Evolution and Meaning of Fiduciary Duty

6. NBFE Corporate Governance in Comparative Jurisdictions (Singapore, Germany (& European Union), United Kingdom, Canada, United States

7. The Application of Comparative Law to Australian NBFE Corporate Governance

8. The Profession of Director in Australia

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