Introduction to Shipping (Second Edition) [eBook]

This title essentially covers all the fundamental insights on shipping. Singapore is one of the major shipping hubs in the world.

Publication Date: March 2016

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
SG$  76.30
ISBN: 9789814753739
This title essentially covers all the fundamental insights on shipping. Singapore is one of the major shipping hubs in the world. There is a lack of locally produced texts to educate new entrants to the shipping sectors. Due to its broad prospect and vast evolutional nature either in technology or commercial, the acquisition of shipping knowledge should never be deemed sufficient nor adequate. Nevertheless, to start off, one should acquire its fundamentals adequately and this is what this book achieves. The 2nd edition is added with elements and contents that through the author’s observations in the past years, as adequate and appropriate, further required by new entrants to the shipping industry. As shipping is a complex and dynamic business, an update in the commercial and legal realms (in an introductory tone) is always necessary, thus this new edition.

Chapter 1 Insurance Taxation

Chapter 2 Disposal of Insurance Business

Chapter 3 Acquisition of Insurance Business

Chapter 4 Tax Opportunities and Pitfalls

Chapter 5 Goods and Services Tax

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