Author(s): Angelo Veljanovski, Christopher Symes, David Parker , Jeffrey Fitzpatrick
ISBN: 9780409351118
Publication Date: December 2019
Business and Corporations Law, 4th edition is an essential teaching and learning resource on the legal principles applicable to business and company law
by Christopher Symes (Author), David Parker (Author), Jeff Fitzpatrick (Author), Angelo Veljanovski (Author)
Author(s): Mark Bender, Samantha Christie, Simone Lockhart, Susan Carter
ISBN: 9780409350685
Publication Date: December 2019
Marketing and the Law, 6th edition is an accessible introduction to the law relating to marketing goods and services
by Mark Bender (Author), Samantha Christie (Author), Susan Carter (Author), Simone Lockhart (Author)
This is the latest edition of arguably the most comprehensive single collection of UK and EU statutory source material and official guidance on competition law.
Author(s): Dr Jeannie Marie Paterson, Hal Bolitho, Nicola Howell
ISBN: 9780409338966
Publication Date: December 2019
Duggan & Lanyon’s Consumer Credit Law is an essential text for legal practitioners specialising in this very complex area of the law
by Hal Bolitho (Author), Nicola Howell (Author), Dr Jeannie Marie Paterson (Author)