Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore Volume 6(3) - Constitutional Law (2020 Issue) [Book]

Now a standalone volume, Singapore’s constitutional law is explored and discussed within the volume. Consisting of 18 chapters (which includes a new chapter Relief from Unconstitutional State Action: Procedure and Remedies), ranging from relief of unconstitutional state action, interpreting the constitution and fundamental liberties, the volume highlights the richness of the Singapore constitutional law.

Publication Date: December 2020

Publisher: LexisNexis

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SG$  915.60
Back-order ISBN: 9789814892469


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Now a standalone volume, Singapore’s constitutional law is explored and discussed within the volume. Updated by Eugene K.B. Tan, Kenny Chng Wei Yao, and Benjamin Joshua Ong, the volume is replete with engaging commentary as well as relevant case laws (such as Asia Development Pte Ltd v Attorney-General [2020] 1 SLR 886, Yong Vui Kong v Public Prosecutor [2015] 2 SLR 1129 (CA), Wong Souk Yee v Attorney-General [2019] 1 SLR 1223, [2019] 1 SLR 1223, SGCA 25 (CA)) and provisions. Consisting of 18 chapters (which includes a new chapter Relief from Unconstitutional State Action: Procedure and Remedies), ranging from relief of unconstitutional state action, interpreting the constitution and fundamental liberties, the volume highlights the richness of the Singapore constitutional law.

Chapter 1 The Litigation Process–Relevant to Entertainment Litigation

Chapter 2 Right of Publicity Litigation

Chapter 3 Copyright Infringement (Direct)

Chapter 4 Copyright: Indirect Infringement and Secondary Liability

Chapter 5 Disputes over Literary Contributions Outside the Realm of Copyright (Implied-in-Fact Contracts, Express Contracts, Confidential Relationships, and Screen Credit)

Chapter 6 Trademark Law and Unfair Competition Law

Chapter 7 Profit Participation Claims

Chapter 8 The Talent Agencies Act

Chapter 9 Defamation (Libel and Slander), Obscenity, and Regulation of Speech

Chapter 10 California's Anti-SLAPP Law

Chapter 11 Invasion of Privacy, Stalking, and Harassment

Chapter 12 Labor and Employment Litigation in the Entertainment Industries

Chapter 13 Insurance Coverage and Litigation in the Entertainment Industries

Chapter 14 New York Law and Procedure

Chapter 15 Canadian Law and Procedure

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