McGee: The Modern Law of Insurance Fourth edition

The fourth edition of this popular textbook provides a comprehensive and authoritative treatment of insurance law and offers a practical approach to the subject.

Publication Date: November 2018

Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths

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SG$  566.13 SG$  808.76
Back-order ISBN: 9781474310352


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The fourth edition of this popular textbook provides a comprehensive and authoritative treatment of insurance law and offers a practical approach to the subject. It covers a wide range of topics from particular policies and the protection of third parties, to claims and the consequences of settlement. Fully updated in light of new cases and recent regulatory regulation changes in insurance law. Since the last edition there have been very significant changes to the Law of insurance and these are covered in detail including: - The Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations Act) 2012 - The insurance Act 2015 - Versloot, which ended the "collateral lies" rule - A number of cases on the scope of compulsory motor insurance - Insurers' liability in mesothelioma cases, which has been considered by the Supreme Court along with the interpretation of contractual terms more generally In addition to these statutory changes there are significant case law developments in many other areas which are also covered in depth.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Singapore Income Tax

Chapter 2 Meaning of Employment and Employer’s Singapore tax reporting obligation

Chapter 3 Corporate Income Tax Considerations for Singapore and Foreign Employers to Hire Expatriates to work in Singapore

Chapter 4 Personal Income Tax Considerations for Structuring Expatriates’ Remuneration Package

Chapter 5 Corporate and Personal Income Tax Considerations for Termination of Expatriate’s Employment

Chapter 6 Review of the Singapore Anti-Avoidance Tax Provisions

Chapter 7 Meaning of Tax Minimistation

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