4 results found for "Sr Nik Hasbi Fathi"
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  1. View details Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore V17(3) Shipping
    Author(s): Sr Nik Hasbi Fathi, Dr Shahrizal M Zin
    ISBN: 9789815019728
    Publication Date: May 2023
    Book (Hardback)
    The Shipping title has been reissued for May 2023, and was updated by Tan Hui Tsing, Capt Mathiew Christophe Rajoo, Isabel Lim, Gerard Nicholas, Abiramee Ghandidass, and Deborah Koh. The title is split into two volumes, thus providing a more comprehensive overview of the law of Shipping in Singapore. Volume 17(2) consists of seven chapters – from sources of Singapore maritime law to ships to maritime arbitration. The commentary reflects the current and related case law and statutory provisions such as The “Echo Star” ex “Gas Infinity” [2020] 5 SLR 1025, [2020] SGHC 200, The “Jeil Crystal” [2022] 2 SLR 1385, [2022] SGCA 66 (CA), The “Ocean Winner” [2021] 4 SLR 526, [2021] SGHC 8, the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (2020 Rev Ed) and the Rules of Court 2021 (S 914/2021). Volume 17(3), on the other hand, contains eight chapters. Topics include safety of life and property, navigation as well as salvage and wreck. As with the commentary in Vol 17(2), the commentary in Vol 17(3) is replete with case laws and statutory provisions such as The “Caraka Jaya Niaga III-11” [2021] 4 SLR 611, [2021] SGHC 43, Nurun Novi Saydur Rahman v PP [2019] 3 SLR 413 and Maritime Offences Act 2003 (2020 Rev Ed).
    SG$ 2,746.80
  2. View details Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore V1(2) Arbitration
    Author(s): Sr Nik Hasbi Fathi, Dr Shahrizal M Zin
    ISBN: 9789815019629
    Publication Date: February 2023
    Book (Hardback)
    The Arbitration title under the HLS series has been updated by Professor Lawrence Boo and Delphine Ho. Within the 15 chapters, readers will find an engaging commentary related to the law of arbitration in Singapore, from mature of arbitration to jurisdiction, tribunal and award. Updates to the volume include relevant and latest cases and provisions such as BZW & and anor v BZV [2022] 1 SLR 1080, [2022] SGCA 1, Hunan Xiangzhong Mining Group Ltd v Oilive Pte Ltd [2022] SGHC 43, Phoenixfin Pte Ltd and others v Convexity Ltd [2022] 2 SLR 23, [2022] SGCA 17, Copyright Act 2021 (2020 Rev Ed), Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 Companies Act and Rules of Court 2021 (S 914/2021).
    SG$ 1,373.40
  3. View details Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore V17(2) Shipping
    Author(s): Sr Nik Hasbi Fathi, Dr Shahrizal M Zin
    ISBN: 9789815019711
    Publication Date: February 2022
    Book (Hardback)
    The Shipping title has been reissued for May 2023, and was updated by Tan Hui Tsing, Capt Mathiew Christophe Rajoo, Isabel Lim, Gerard Nicholas, Abiramee Ghandidass, and Deborah Koh. The title is split into two volumes, thus providing a more comprehensive overview of the law of Shipping in Singapore. Volume 17(2) consists of seven chapters – from sources of Singapore maritime law to ships to maritime arbitration. The commentary reflects the current and related case law and statutory provisions such as The “Echo Star” ex “Gas Infinity” [2020] 5 SLR 1025, [2020] SGHC 200, The “Jeil Crystal” [2022] 2 SLR 1385, [2022] SGCA 66 (CA), The “Ocean Winner” [2021] 4 SLR 526, [2021] SGHC 8, the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 (2020 Rev Ed) and the Rules of Court 2021 (S 914/2021). Volume 17(3), on the other hand, contains eight chapters. Topics include safety of life and property, navigation as well as salvage and wreck. As with the commentary in Vol 17(2), the commentary in Vol 17(3) is replete with case laws and statutory provisions such as The “Caraka Jaya Niaga III-11” [2021] 4 SLR 611, [2021] SGHC 43, Nurun Novi Saydur Rahman v PP [2019] 3 SLR 413 and Maritime Offences Act 2003 (2020 Rev Ed).
    SG$ 2,746.80
  4. View details Halsbury’s Laws of Singapore Volume 3 Carriers (2021 Reissue)
    Author(s): Sr Nik Hasbi Fathi, Dr Shahrizal M Zin
    ISBN: 9789814892797
    Publication Date: November 2020
    Book (Hardback)

    The commentary for [40] Carriers has been updated by Augustine Liew, Eric Wong, Ong Xinyi and Lance Tay. The volume is divided in three parts, namely Carriage by Air, Carriage of Goods by Road and Carriage of Goods by Sea, which have now been updated to include the provisions and cases relevant in the present legal landscape of Singapore.

    SG$ 1,002.80
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