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Williams and Kawharu on Arbitration, 2nd edition

The authoritative work on the law and practice of domestic and international arbitration in NZ.

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Book: Paperback
NZD$ 200.00
Print-On-Demand ISBN: 9781927313916


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eBook: ePub
NZD$ 200.00
ISBN: 9781927313923
Red Titles: ePub
NZD$ 200.00

Williams and Kawharu on Arbitration is well recognised for its excellence. Since the first edition was published in 2011, it has been cited on several occasions by the New Zealand courts as an authoritative interpretation of arbitral practice in New Zealand, including by the Supreme Court in Zurich Australian Insurance Ltd t/a Zurich New Zealand v Cognition Education Ltd [2014] NZSC 188 and in Carr v Cook Gallaway Allan [2014] NZSC 75; won the JF Northey Prize 2012 for best legal treatise; and been reviewed favourably numerous times both in New Zealand and internationally.

This second edition of Williams and Kawharu on Arbitration builds on the importance of the first with a distinct focus on significant recent case law in New Zealand and elsewhere as well as developments in the Asia-Pacific region. Changes for this edition include: the restructure of later sections to provide a greater overview of the growth of international arbitration in the region; the addition of content covering third-party funding, the arbitration of trust disputes, the distinction between ad hoc and institutional arbitration and the importance of soft law guidelines; and new sections on emergency arbitrators, IBA Rules on Party Representation and the role of tribunal secretaries.

Primarily written for students, practising lawyers, arbitrators and judges, Williams and Kawharu on Arbitration is an indispensable aid to those studying and practising in this important area of law.

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