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Statutory Interpretation in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Good Practice Guide

A concise, accessible guide to key aspects of most of modern lawyers’ work — finding legislation’s correct legal meaning

Published: 20 September, 2024

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Book: Paperback
NZD$ 100.00
Preorder ISBN: 9781991015020


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This is a brief Good Practice Guide to statutory interpretation – the process of finding legislation’s correct legal meaning – which is most of modern lawyers’ work.
The Guide focuses on primary legal materials, and cites leading and recent case law. It gives an easy basic pathway into a large body of law and a vast academic legal literature.
The Guide analyses, concisely, key factors.
It uses real legislation, and real cases, to show what courts actually do and say.
Using the Guide will help interpreters understand, and master, the process of statutory interpretation, and avoid errors.
It includes many helpful examples, a useful summary checklist, a glossary of key terms, and a list of further resources.

Related Titles

• R I Carter, Burrows and Carter Statute Law in New Zealand, 6th edition
• Scragg (editor), Legal Writing: A Complete Guide for a Career in Law
• Carter, McHerron & Malone, Subordinate Legislation in New Zealand

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