There is increasing recognition that the legal profession, as an industry where Māori are negatively overrepresented, needs to have a greater understanding of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori.
Kia Kākano Rua te Ture: A te reo Māori Handbook for the Law will equip legal practitioners, law students, government departments and the judiciary with the tools they need to take a step towards a more equitable justice system.
With a practical focus on Māori language and protocol to be used in different professional and Court settings, this book is a necessary foundation to help users not only expand their skill sets but will also work to improve the legal access Māori have by ensuring they have an understanding of te reo Māori and Māori issues.
Related Titles
Stephens & Boyce He Papakupu Reo Ture: A Dictionary of Māori Legal Terms, 2013
Kupu Whakataki / Introduction
Upoko Tuatahi: Hei Timatatanga / Chapter One: The Basics
Upoko Tuarua: Ko Ngā Tikanga / Chapter Two: Protocols
Upoko Tuatoru: Ko te reo Kōti / Chapter Three: Te reo Māori in the Court
Upoko Tuawha: Ko te reo Pakihi / Chapter Four: Te reo Māori in Commercial Law
Upoko Tuarima: Ko te reo ture i te tari roia / Chapter Five: Te reo Māori in a Legal
Workplace Profession
Ngā Āpitihanga / Appendices
He uri a ALANA THOMAS nō Ngāti Rēhia, nō Ngāti Kuri anō hoki. I pakeke mai a Alana ki Whangarei, i kuraina e ia ki reira noki. Mohoa noa nei, e noho ana ia ki Tamaki Makaurau. He māmā ia ki a Maioha rāua ko Te Aiorangi. He roia ia nō te tari o Kaupare.
He uri a CORIN MERRICK nō Ngāti Whare, Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto, me Ngāti Raukawa. He mokopuna nō te Kōhanga Reo, he raukura nō te Kura Kaupapa Māori. He rōia ia nō te tari o Mānuka Chambers i Tāmaki Makaurau.