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Introduction to Commercial Law - Custom (eBook)

This custom publication contains selected chapters from Introduction to Commercial Law, 4th edition, edited by Cynthia Hawes and written by an experienced team of authors.

Published: 01 December, 2013

Publisher: LexisNexis New Zealand

Product Format Details Qty
eBook: ePub
NZD$  73.50 NZD$  105.00
ISBN: 9781927248812

This text features detailed commentary and citations, covering all aspects of modern commercial law that have been identified as being of particular relevance to students studying Commercial Law at Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington.


Table of Contents
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Introduction: the nature of contract
Chapter 3: Formation of a contract
Chapter 4: The terms of the contract
Chapter 5: Vitiating elements
Chapter 6: Privity and assignment
Chapter 7: Misrepresentation and breach of contract
Chapter 8: Discharge of contract
Chapter 10: Scope of the Sale of Goods Act 1908
Chapter 11: Passing of property
Chapter 12: Sales without title
Chapter 13: Terms of the contract
Chapter 14: Performance of the contract
Chapter 15: Remedies of the seller
Chapter 16: Remedies of the buyer
Chapter 20: Export trade contracts
Chapter 24: Nature and formation of insurance contract
Chapter 25: Insurance: non-disclosure and misstatements
Chapter 26: Insurer's liability
Chapter 35: Secured transactions: an introduction
Chapter 36: Personal property securities


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