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Criminal Justice in New Zealand

Author(s): Tolmie,J and Brookbanks, W

Published: 01 November, 2007

Publisher: LexisNexis New Zealand

Product Format Details Qty
Book: Paperback
NZD$  119.71 NZD$  171.01
In Stock ISBN: 9780408718844

Criminal Justice in New Zealand is the first comprehensive account of the New Zealand approach to criminal justice issues to be published in this country, and it discusses the complex range of interconnected procedures involved in the system. New Zealand readers will enjoy the access to analysis and insight into the justice outcomes, procedures and how the interweavings affect different constituents. Tolmie and Brookbanks have created an excellent resource, which will become required reading for law students, policy analysts, sociologists, Judges and police.

  1. Consumer Guarantees Act 1993
  2. Sale of Goods Act 1908
  3. Fair Trading Act 1983
  4. Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003
  5. Personal Property Securities Act 1999
  6. Guarantees
  7. Agency
  8. Personal Insolvency
  9. Insurance
  10. Intellectual Property
  11. Personal Insolvency