Hong Kong District Court Practice - Sixth Edition

Author: P.Y. Lo

The sixth edition of Hong Kong District Court Practice presents a comprehensive compilation of the intricate text of the District Court Ordinance (Cap 336), the Rules of the District Court, and Practice Directions. This authoritative work is supplemented by 
commentaries, encompassing section-by-section annotations. It further dissects the meaning and application of the statutory provisions, referencing seminal judicial decisions from Hong Kong, England, and the Commonwealth jurisdictions.

Publication Date: November 2024

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details Qty
Book (Hardback)
HK$  2,680.00
In Stock ISBN: 9789888864713

This updated edition presents the latest and consolidated text of the Bankruptcy Ordinance in a perspicuous format, accompanied by section-by-section annotations. They
encompass references to judicial pronouncements that elucidate the interpretation of each section, pertinent rules of court, definitions of lexical constructs and phraseology, and a 
discourse on the practical aspects of application and contentious issues. The Hong Kong and UK jurisprudence, related statutory instruments, and other authoritative materials are 
identified and examined in granular detail. All annotations are cross-referenced with detailed tables of cases and legislation. Furthermore, this updated AOHK reproduces the 
entirety of the subsidiary legislation to the Ordinance currently in force.