Hong Kong Conveyancing Law - Ninth Edition

Authors: Judith Sihombing

The ninth edition of the Hong Kong Conveyancing Law re-examines “property” in the traditional sense as assets become computerised and digitised. While land continues to be a fundamental part of property transactions in the world of conveyancing, traditional property principles, such as equitable relief against forfeiture of a licence, have been revisited and even revived.

Publication Date: November 2022

Publisher: LexisNexis

Product Format Details
Book (Hardback)
HK$  2,000.00
Out of Stock ISBN: 9789888799961
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The ninth edition of the Hong Kong Conveyancing Law re-examines “property” in the traditional sense as assets become computerised and digitised. While land continues to be a fundamental part of property transactions in the world of conveyancing, traditional property principles, such as equitable relief against forfeiture of a licence, have been revisited and even revived.
The gradual evolution of our understanding of “property” aside, this edition continues to give readers insights into the current state of conveyancing law as we continue to look at topics such as “Co-ownership of Multi-story Buildings”, “Parties and Transaction”, “Securities Transactions Over Land”, “Title to Land” and “Contracts for Sale of Land”.

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