Hong Kong Family Court Practice – Fourth Edition

Authors: Keith Hotten, Dennis Ho, Mathilda Kwong

Since its original publication in 2010, Family Court Practice has become a required reading for lawyers and judges engaged in family practice at all levels in Hong Kong (Family Court, High Court, and Court of Final Appeal). Being a comprehensive, practical, and critical account of the law drafted from the viewpoint of experienced practitioners, this book contains the only one-stop comprehensive collection of primary sources (Practice Directions, Ordinances, subsidiary legislation, and international law), and practice and procedure checklists. It also includes precedents, ancillary relief tables, lists of leading cases, and useful websites arranged by subject.

Publication Date: March 2023

Publisher: LexisNexis

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Book (Hardback)
was HK$ 2,700.00 Special Price HK$ 2,295.00
In Stock ISBN: 9789888814350
was HK$ 2,700.00 Special Price HK$ 2,295.00
ISBN: 9789888814404 Purchase here

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