Institutional abuse of children: Legal remedies and redress in Australia, 2nd edition

A must-have book on the legal framework governing claims for compensation and redress from sexual child abuse in institutional settings in Australia.

Published: 09 June, 2023

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Book: Paperback
AUD$ 150.00
Print-On-Demand ISBN: 9780409355659


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eBook: ePub
AUD$ 150.00
In Stock ISBN: 9780409355666

Institutional abuse of children: Legal remedies and redress in Australia, 2nd edition examines the current compensation framework and the unique National Redress Scheme for historic child sexual abuse, which aims to be less formal and to involve less trauma for survivors.

This new edition is timely. The legal framework has continued to develop at a rapid pace and additional legislation has been enacted across Australia.


• Analyses the rapidly developing legal framework governing claims for compensation and redress arising out of sexual abuse of children in institutional settings in Australia
• Examines the relationship between the National Redress Scheme and civil claims
• Provides a practical understanding of how to work through the intersecting laws and redress systems to best advise clients

Related Titles

• Young, Kenny & Monahan (editors), Children and the law in Australia, 2016

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