This fifth edition of Business and Corporations Law has been revised in line with changes that have occurred in business and corporations law since the publication of the fourth edition in 2020. During 2020 and 2021, the federal, state and territory governments implemented temporary measures to overcome the discombobulating effect of the pandemic on the economy: for example, by relaxing rules governing the statutory minimum amount owed before debt recovery proceedings could commence and lengthening the period of time allowed for unpaid debts to remain outstanding. Business and Corporations Law 5th edition covers various legal rules, particularly where governments’ temporary measures have become permanently enshrined in business and company law.
• a practical learning guide for students studying business, corporations or commercial law in undergraduate or postgraduate courses in Accounting, Commerce or Law
• twelve-chapter format complements the usual length of the Australian tertiary level semester, and its content conforms to the CPA Australia (Certified Practising Accountants) accreditation requirements
• each Chapter has revision and problem questions, with lecturer online support available
Related Titles
• Coleman et al, Law in Commerce, 7th edition
• Peters & Harris, Company Law: Theories, Principles and Applications, 3rd edition
• Hargovan, Adams & Brown, Australian Corporate Law, 7th edition
Jeffrey F Fitzpatrick LLB (Adel), Grad Cert
Legal Prac (UniSA), M Ed Admin (Flin),
BA (Hons) (Flin), Grad Dip Ed (Adel) is a
Barrister and Solicitor in the Supreme Court
of South Australia, Federal Court and High
Court of Australia. He is also an Adjunct
Lecturer at the Adelaide Law School,
University of Adelaide.
Christopher Symes has worked as an accountant and commercial lawyer, and taught in law and business schools in Australia and Malaysia. He has been National President of the Corporate Law Teachers Association (now SCoLA) and is involved with the ARITA and the Law Council of Australia’s Insolvency and Reconstruction Committee. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and Professor of Law at the University of Adelaide.
David Parker B Comm (Hons) (Melb), Dip Ed
(Melb), B Ed (Melb), LLB (Mon), LLM (Melb)
has been admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Victoria. He teaches and writes in the areas of business law, company law and taxation law.
Angelo Veljanovski BA (La Trobe), Dip Ed
(MSC), LLM (Mon) is a Barrister and Solicitor
in the Supreme Court of Victoria. He has many
years’ experience teaching corporate law,
business law and commercial law at a number
of universities in Melbourne.