The Insider's Guide to the Pennsylvania Judiciary and Courts

Completely updated with hundreds of changes and additions, The Insider's Guide to the Pennsylvania Judiciary and Courts provides you with the information you need to understand the judge.
Publisher: ALM

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2022 Edition
ISBN: 9781588525970
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International Order Inquiry

Product description

An Insider's Guide to Pennsylvania’s Judiciary and Courthouses.

Biographical and contact information on every judge, district judge, and administrative law judge in the state, including private practice background, professional memberships, political party affiliation, as well as contact information for key staff and law clerks.

Judges provided information regarding their own rules on decorum, motion practice, special practices and procedures, and suggestions to lawyers. This information provides the judges’ perspectives in an effort to assist the attorneys appearing before them.

We’ve also included critical fee information for the various courts throughout the state, along with contact information for key court personnel and officers.