Stein on New York Commercial Mortgage Transactions

A comprehensive and expert guide to commercial mortgage transactions in New York. Archive Edition Updated Through 2008.
Print Book :1 volume, looseleaf
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ISBN: 9781422406243
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Product description

"Must reading for anyone who handles substantial commercial mortgage loans in New York."
Jonathan Mechanic, chair, real estate department, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson

"...a generally useful book, and one that I will frequently turn to."
Roger Bernhardt, Professor of Law, Golden Gate; Editor, California Real Property Law Reporter

Written by Joshua Stein of Latham & Watkins LLP, one of the foremost practitioners of commercial mortgage law in New York State and the country, Stein on New York Commercial Mortgage Transactions provides the trenchant analysis and practical guidance that busy commercial real estate attorneys need every day. Comprehensive in scope, it explores the full range of legal issues unique to New York commercial mortgages, including:

• Four chapters devoted entirely to the mortgage recording tax and the myriad problems and issues it creates for closings
• Title insurance
• Construction loans and the New York Lien Law
• Rental income and leases
• Defaults and acceleration
• Foreclosure and other remedies
• New York choice of law and forum
• Usury
• Lost notes
• The closing process
• Language that needs to appear in every New York mortgage, with complete explanations

Stein on New York Commercial Mortgage Transactions is extensively supplemented with sample language, model documents, and legal checklists that are essential to help avoid the many pitfalls in this area of the law, whether you are representing the borrower or the lender. Also included is a statutory supplement with excerpted statutes that all commercial mortgage practitioners need to know about. Intuitive and practical organization helps you find the materials you need quickly and accurately.

Click here to read a Chapter-by-Chapter Overview.

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