Kintner's Federal Antitrust Law
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Product description
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This master treatise provides a comprehensive analysis of the development and current status of antitrust law, as well as practical guidance for the application of that law.
The brevity and generality of the language of relevant acts, combined with the ever-increasing volume of antitrust litigation and varying philosophies of enforcement and interpretation by courts and agencies, makes Federal Antitrust Law indispensable to corporate counsel, government attorneys, and private practitioners specializing in antitrust law.
Three volumes focus exclusively on nearly 75 years of Federal Trade Commission work, a subject neglected in other antitrust works. Includes thorough examinations of the FTC Act; FTC organization, enforcement and regulatory procedures; deceptive nondisclosure; price advertising and savings claims; business and employment opportunities; and credit and collection practices.
Textual discussion is extensively footnoted with references to all significant decisions of the FTC and federal courts; relevant sections of the United States Code; legislative materials; administrative rules; executive orders; rules of evidence and procedure; state statutes; and important treatises, publications and legal periodicals.
Clear organization, extensive cross-references, individual volume and master indexes speed access to all applicable text discussion and citations.
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Table of contents
Volume I: Economic Theory, Common Law, and
An Introduction to the Sherman Act
1 Economic Theory and Policy
2 Monopoly at Common Law
3 Trusts at Common Law
4 The Legislative History of the Sherman Act
5 The Constitutional Basis and the Constitutionality of the Sherman Act
6 Interstate Commerce Under the Sherman Act
7 Foreign Commerce Under the Sherman Act 8 Interpretation of the Sherman
Volume II: Practices Prohibited by the Sherman
9 Introduction to the Sherman Act Offenses
10 Definition of the Relevent Market
11 Horizontal Restraints
12 Vertical Price, Territorial and Customer Restraints
13 Vertical Exclusionary Restraints
14 The Monopolization Offenses
Index to Volume II
Volume III: The Robinson-Patman Act
18 Introduction to the Clayton Act
19 Background and Legislative History of the Robinson-Patman Act
20 An Overview of the Robinson-Patman Act
21 Jurisdictional Requirements for a Section 2(a) Violation
22 Injury to Competition Under Section 2(a)
23 Cost Justification Defense
24 Meeting Competition Defense
25 Changing Conditions and Other Defenses
26 Brokerage Provisions: Section 2(c)
27 Promotional Services or Facilities: Sections 2(d) and 2(e)
28 Buyer Liability: Section 2(f)
29 Criminal Sanctions Under Section 3
30 Special Problems of Enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act
31 The Robinson-Patman Act Today: Criticisms, Responses, Calls for Change,
and Present Status
Volume IV: The Clayton Act-Section 3; Section
7: Mergers and Markets Chapter
32 Section 3 of the Clayton Act
33 Introduction to Section 7 of the Clayton Act
34 Horizontal Mergers
35 Vertical Mergers
36 Conglomerate Mergers
37 Relevant Product Market
38 Relevant Geographic Market
Volume V: The Clayton Act-Section 7: Enforcement;
Sections 8 and 10
39 Enforcement: Damages and Injunctive Relief
40 Remedies Under Section 7 of the Clayton Act
41 Premerger Notification Sections 8 and 10 of the Clayton Act: Interlocking
Volume VI: The Federal Trade Commission-Introduction,
Organization, Procedures, and
Non-adjudicative Regulatory Activities
43 Introduction to the Federal Trade Commission Act
44 The Federal Trade Commission Organization
45 Federal Trade Commission Investigation and Enforcement Procedures
46 Federal Trade Commission Non-adjudicative Regulatory Activities
47 Federal Trade Commission Remedial Activities
Volume VII: The Federal Trade Commission-Unfair
Methods of Competition and Other Practices
48 Unfair Methods of Competition
49 Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices
50 Deceptive Nondisclosure
51 Product Description, Composition and Origin
52 Endorsements, Testimonials, Tests and Surveys
53 Deceptive Pictorial and Television Advertising
54 Disparagement and Comparisons Under Section 5 of Federal Trade Commission
55 Free Goods and Offers
56 Price Advertising and Savings Claims
Volume VIII: The Federal Trade Commission-Other
Practices Reviewed
57 Lotteries, Contests, Games and Sweepstakes
58 Direct Sales and Mail Order Marketing
59 Business and Trade Status
60 Career Training Programs and Business Opportunities
61 Warranties and Guarantees
62 Credit and Collection Practices
63 Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, and Devises
64 Special Labeling Statutes
Volume IX: Antitrust Exemptions-Specific
Industries and Activities
65 General Principles Regarding Antitrust Exemptions and Judicial Deference
Administrative Agency Regulation and Supervision
66 Exemptions for Public Utilities
67 Exemptions for Communications Companies
68 Altered Antitrust Standards for Banks and Other Financial Institutions
69 Exemptions for the Securities and Commodities Industries
70 Exemptions for Insurance Industry
71 Agricultural and Related Exemptions
72 Exemptions for Labor Union Activities and Associated Employer-Employee
Volume X: State Action, Noerr-Pennington,
and Special Industry Exemptions
73 Exemptions for Transportation Companies and Organizations
74 Exemptions for Professional and Amateur Sports
75 Miscellaneous Exemptions
76 State Action Doctrine
77 Exemptions for Private Requests for Governmental Action (Noerr-Pennington
Volume XI: Relief, Defenses, Prior Adjudication,
and Statutes of Limitations
78 Prerequisites for Maintenance of Private Right of Action for
79 Monetary and Declaratory Relief
80 Actions for Injunctive Relief
81 Defenses
82 Prior Adjudication
83 Statutes of Limitations
Index to Volume XI
Index Volume