Florida Corporations Manual

Written by a well-known author in the field, this is the authoritative forms book for handling Florida corporations issues - from organization to operation and finance.
Publisher: Matthew Bender
Print Book :4 volumes, looseleaf
2023 Edition
In Stock
ISBN: 9780409260984
Publisher: Matthew Bender
International Order Inquiry

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Written by a well-known author in the field, this is the authoritative forms book for handling Florida corporations issues - from organization to operation and finance. It makes it easy to initiate, maintain, modify, or dissolve the corporate structure, and it arms you with the required procedures and details for Chapter 607, 617, and 620 proceedings. These include promoter's agreements, rights, duties, and liabilities of shareholders, directors and officers, derivative actions, stock issuance and valuation, mergers, partnerships, non-profits, and sole proprietorships. This easy-to-use practice manual provides all relevant forms, checklists, and statutes.

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